Tuesday, August 31

Trader Joe's

Trader Joe's

I have to say...I have spent many years teaching myself how to included items to my food that taste awesome but give me less calorie count! Trader Joe's has an AMAZING variety of items and at a great price.... AND a quality items. Maybe I should buy into this franchise...give some cooking classes...lol! (but I NEED wine permit/lmao) Thank you Trader Joe's for enhance my life!! Valerie

Tuesday, August 3

Another year for Brit 2010

I am always very excited to see Brit come back to the States from Switzerland...not to mention her parents bring me easy sipping wonderful coffee and dark, sweet chocolate (perk!). Yummmyyy! This year was a breeze, Brit has matured into that preteen stage beautifully and she is comfortable with herself and she had some genuine smiles for me. She is so joyful and has a sense of humor.. we played with some great images to create the "preteen" sassy look just for fun. She did a great job. Thanks to them all!
