This photo really speaks "thousands" of words... I am in Cinque de Terre (Italy) which was breath takingly where would you vacation from if LIVED here!!?? That's another topic. So this "bridge" which is a covered walk way connected the first of the 5 towns to the second. The story goes~that then the villagers were able to date others in the next town. So they met along this pathway and had little love nest spots (lol). Of course, life now they walk along it. Hence the photo...OK..see all those locks on the fence behind me? This just gets better ~lmao! So now the "in love" couples walk along the pathway and lock their love together and THEN they throw the key over the cliff into the ocean. LOL!!! Ok, I know..I am trying, but please...they are young in love and ...yes, works. whatever! So..on the inside the wall the tour guide was translating the Italian writing and it was ALL heartbreak messages for the missing other half to find! About how one of the "locked" couples would love them forever, would always be in their hearts. Aaaahhh, too be young! hee,hee! This is my funny post for the month.