Thursday, October 29

Sisters fall of luv! 09

We had a wonderful, fall day for this family...although a tad chilly! The leaves were no t peaking but luckily the Mom is very helpful and listens to add some color to the clothes bu not too much. It looks perfect! The girls had their time for portraits and I just luv how the younger one adores her sister..better yet, the older sister is so tolerant...even while being "strangled". I am so excited I caught caught her mischievous face...she is looking up at Mom and you just know she's thinking "but I swear it doesn't hurt her, she likes it"!! LOL.

Tuesday, October 27

8 wk old FUN! puppy LUV

This is Luci..she's only 8 weeks old and is darn adorable...full of energy. Her Mom & I wondered why a nap did not it did in the car on the way home! Speaking of naps...Luci wore me out today...i need a long nap~lmao! Good luck Lauren.

He's bacccck for the 2 YR & So adorable!

I just so enjoy seeing the children grow and coming back to visit. This little guy is so sweet and such a complete flirt! He's is very gentle and genuine... what a good natured little boy. He gets it from both his parents, they are so nice too! Many happy returns.


Sunday, October 4

Fall LKV wedding

I always love to be a part of such a special day... two people who join their lives and I get to be there to capture the memories! Not only were an attractive couple, but a sincerely warm and kind couple!


Long Island, NY 09

We were fortunate enough to have escaped for a few days in wine some laughing and fun. This sculpture was in memorial of 9/11. It was pretty awesome, on a post in the harbour.


Sibling fun in the grass.

This family purchased a gift certificate at a local auction in Easton! That is so wonderful since it means it was truly a win/win! She loves her photos and how could not not~adorable kids.
