Friday, July 31

Homes for our TROOPS!

Last night I was honored and touched to meet this couple. I am donating my time and photography skills for this project. I personally was amazed to hear all about this organization, how it was founded and what generous large hearted people surround us everyday. Dawna Lee (wife in red) was just so warm and welcoming, it was hard not to hug her when I left and it felt like we had know each other for a lifetime.
The gratitude for sacrifices made by our military can never truly be expressed... but thank you John Gonsalves for creating this organization so that we can help.
This project is taking place in Middleboro and they are hoping to start in September. Please click on the link and and generously donate your time, help find a contractor and monetary donations are always accepted. John explained last evening that houses go up extremely quickly (many hands make light work) and they need non-skilled volunteers also. I intend to participate with labor as well as with my photography.
Thank you for reading and God Bless all our military personnel!

Tuesday, July 28

WBN event at the Cln. Blackington

We had a great event last night. The Women's Business Network held an evening network event at the Colonel Blackington, Attleboro. If you have never been...give it a try~great restaurant and cozy bar.....but you CAN'T beat the beautiful, warm summer evenings on the patio. Michael Dutra was playing in the background and we were all making connections and enjoying ourselves. I was one of the organizers for this event and it was free to all. Thanks for attending.


Wednesday, July 15

..the return of Brittany

My, time flies. I can believe it has been a year already since this family has been here... Brit sprouted and we certainly had some fun with these images. She is a lovely, bright and energetic young girl.


Wednesday, July 8

July 1st...newborn

It is hard to imagine we could ever start out this tiny. This little girl is only 3 days old... I really like that Dad is holding her up. The "rough" hands and the newborn skin are an awesome contrast. Treasure the gifts you have.