Friday, June 26

In Loving Memory of Hedley 6.24.09

In Loving Memory of Hedley (Zlotin)

Hedley was a beloved companion for my Aunt Pat & Uncle Barry.

Hedley's joys in life were food, chasing the ball, riding in the car, food (oops he really loved that one) and Pat&Barry. He was energetic, loving, loyal and fun. He has left an empty space in all our hearts but I am sure that he is chasing his ball all over Heaven.

Hedley will be missed~with much love from Valerie xo

Saturday, June 20

the magic of Photoshop!!

So my clients asked me if they had a missing member of the family could I add them in the week after. Sure! Amazing what Photoshop can do. Now mind you...we placed the missing man at the same place, in the same scene at the similar time of day. This helps make the transition like ...smooth as glass! Seriously, he looks like he was always standing there. The family was amazed and thrilled.

Photoshop (when handled correctly) can accomplish many tasks. It is always worth asking and planning to ahead a little to create a very realistic, beautiful memory forever.


Monday, June 8

Framingham wedding 09

I always like to put a few images from a wedding that I am working on up here are a few!


Sunday, June 7

Wedding cake humor

This was pretty amusing to me and I was unaware that cake toppers were actually made like this! I had to stop and look at the top again, which made me chuckle out loud and photograph it from different angles. So as I got to know the couple though...I actually think the groom may have picked this cake topper out...he has a wicked sense of humor.

Life imitating art? Maybe.


Friday, June 5

...time flies

I know, I know! Time just flies.... where does it go?? Remember when we were kids...bored, wonder when we would be adults? Wanting to do our "stuff", be our own persons... 'ya so now I want to have someone else take care of me and take a nap again. Circle of life?? Thank goodness I make myself laugh!

Well~here are a couple of photos from my last adventure. Some family photos taken at my Aunt Pat's house.
