Wednesday, July 30

Golden curls

Who could possibly resist "blogging" this adorable, blond, sunny child?? NOT ME!! LOL!! I have been photographing his brother since before he was born and now I get to create portraits of Ashton. truth be told, he is very personable not that tough. Those "kudos" truly go to his parents who are very loving but maintain rules and provide a safe, healthy environment for their children. I think they truly have a good balance going on and I want them to know that people outside their family appreciate how difficult it is 24/7 and they should be proud of themselves for working so hard at it.
These photos were taken just hours ago at a park in Bridgewater.
Come on...tell me how adorable he is.....!!

Sunday, July 27

N. E. speech

I truly enjoy living around here, it is a wonderful place to be. Trust me I don't always think that during the winter, ha,ha! I have a couple more photos to add from the trip into the North End (Italian section) of Boston. Not only do New Englanders love to add "r" to the end of words with a vowel (kahulaR) but if it has an "er" ending it turns into the sound of a vowel. All rigggghtty, then. It's charming and fun and I enjoy when people recognize this and have fun with it. Hence the sign for the corner (connah) store. LOL!

The flower photo was taken where the artery used to be. Oh, and me too!

Friday, July 25

the Beach is where it is at!

This family is past wedding couple and has returned as their family grows. That is one of the most rewarding parts of my career.
New England is beautiful and warm, soft breezes caress your cheek as the soft pink light skims the sand at sunset..... This is the most popular, highly coveted portrait session. I appreciate the work, organization and desire my clients hold for this spot so i try to truly recommend it when they will get the best value from this portrait sitting. But the results are always breath taking and truly capture the New England lifestyle!

FACTS: this sitting has to be timed carefully. Clients must be ready to jump in less than 24 hour notice. There is always a waiting list (adds to spontaneousness/you may be next on the call list). The best time for this sitting is 1 hour before sunset and May1 to June 5th then September 1 to mid October. This can be a tough portrait to accomplish, due to weather but always cherished by clients.

Thank you to all my clients who have believed in my wisdom and timing! Enjoy those beautiful pieces of family heritage forever.

How lucky am I to be able to share this talent with generations that I will never even know??? Very!


Tuesday, July 22

...ahhh summer weekends

Ok, so I intended to place the next post about the last sitting but I had a few days off and I was enjoy the peacefulness of Maine and then smells and sights of Boston. Naturally, the North End, an Italian girl at heart...always my favorite. ha,ha! My husband Bruce's birthday was Sunday and he chose to go to the North End and he picked whatever restaurant he wanted! We got to walk around the Rose Kennedy green way...check out the sign that is posted...very amusing!


Thursday, July 17


I was thinking about what to put on the blog for the day. It is a hot, slow day today so I started poking around my saved photos and happened to notice that I seem to ...."appreciate" speed and motors. I guess growing up in Canada makes you appreciate all the things you can actually do. That made me think...I can drive motor boats, water ski, chop wood, drive 4 wheelers, love to drive stick shift, fish and build a great fire.

OK...I love engines.... it is true! See for yourself.


Tuesday, July 15

Sisters in a small world....

Our newly formed "pf running club" had a little bbq gathering to hang out. So us members of the gym are hanging out and we started to chat about life, love, exercising and travel (lots of Italy!) I said to Janet that I had a client coming in who I was excited to see the next week since I love to watch the children grow, love to see the differences in personality and similarities to the parents. When I mentioned my client's name (1st only) the woman at the table said she knew who she was! I replied, I am sure that is not her.... she lives in Raynham. Sure enough - she told me the kids names and I was surprised.... :)

What a small but wonderful, friendly world we live in. So the girls had grown and we had decided to do an outdoor sitting this time... they had beautiful dress from Easter (why not use them) and I took them out to a local college for a little "formal" feel to match the beautiful dresses.

What does everyone think.... what a gorgeous wall portrait this would make!!


Monday, July 14

a beach in Sharon?

I truly enjoy my career. This little girl has been to see me since she was 3 weeks old. Yes, weeks! They now reside on Long Island but when they visit family- Emma is sure to have a portrait done. These portraits were taken on the beach in the town of Sharon. This is not exactly the same as the sea grass and soft gray fences of the Cape but as a closer is fun.

I like the candid feel of children being children whenever possible. I love to catch them laughing and playing. Emma is easy since she knows me and feels very comfortable with me.


Sunday, July 13

Early careers

This photo of me just cracks me up! It was taken by a 4 year old at a wedding last fall! Cayla, who must have an eye for this since she caught a very authentic, fun expression on me. OK, kiddo.... here is one I took at the wedding. Keep working and you can also be a photographer. She has a major head start on me though. I knew this would be my career choice at the age of 15 .....ummm, so not 4!! LOL!


Saturday, July 12

Hedley sitting

So here I am throwing the ball for Hedley. He actually runs to the end of the dock and launches himself through the air to splash into the water and get the ball. Aaaaahh, the simple life! LOL! He then brings it onto the dock and rolls around it around a bit... then splash, it will land back in the water. He stares....stares some starts to float away.... then he pounces back on it to get it again. I wonder what makes Hedley decide..."this is the moment to get it back!". Fun to watch. Valerie
ps-this is a cell phone photo/no laughing people!

Thursday, July 10

Squeeze meeeeee!

Now seriously.... how can anyone not smile and laugh along with this adorable child!? I was doing portraits at Wheaton and it was actually difficult to get him to stop smiling too much. He will be a big flirt with the ladies, every time I peeked out from behind my camera he scrunched up his face and giggled at me!

How lucky am I to have such a great job. Thank you for bringing him in and I can't wait to work with him again. This is a 11 month old portrait.


Wednesday, July 9

Keeps changing

I have to say I am getting a kick out of watching the number of visits to this blog. If it jumps too high in the next few days I will remove my own portraits.

Here is another one of my artistic talents. I have many that are for gracing the walls of your homes and "yes" I do sell them frequently.

I would like to add a very special note here... please be respectful of my images and do NOT try to duplicate them or save them. I appreciate the respect to my career and my lively hood.


Tuesday, July 8

1st Softball Season

Here is a photo of my first season on the softball team. They have not gotten thier copies yet but they will on this Sunday! What a wonderful, encouraging group of welcoming women they have been. My heartfelt thanks to ALL!


Catching UP!

I feel like I am just catching myself up to everyone. Feels like many, many photographers have "blogs" already so I have found one for me. I think this will be a great way to let everyone know what is going on in my little world, ha,ha!

In May I ran my first 5k ever! It was fun, even though it was blowing rain at us and very cold we still all had fun. What a wonderful sense of accomplishment.

I am also excited about this blog, now I can post a few funny portraits that I may get and also let everyone know anything exciting coming up. Like I will be in ITALY in Septemember.

Please post comments, I love to hear from everyone.
